maanantai 17. kesäkuuta 2013

good friends are hard to find, harder to leave & impossible to forget

Six Flags -huvipuistossa
Baseball pelissä
Vika YFU-tapaaminen

Maistoin funnel cakea ekaa kertaa!
Oon niin onnellinen näistä kaikista ihmisistä, joihin oon täällä tutustunut! 
Kesä on täällä parasta aikaa bonfireineen, juhlineen, rantareissuineen ja hulluine tempauksineen. Vielä ei ole aika surra, vaan aion ottaa kaiken irti näistä vikasta neljästä päivästä!

lauantai 8. kesäkuuta 2013


Nyt on high school Amerikassa ohi! Graduation seremonian aikana me seniorit yllätettiin katsojat ja tehtiin flashmob sisältäen esim. harlem shaken :) Oon ilonen, että mulle annettiin mahdollisuus kokea graduation täällä Amerikassa. Vaikka onkin hieman haikeat fiilikset, niin on kyllä mukavaa olla viimein lomalla!

perjantai 7. kesäkuuta 2013

are you ready?

 "A year has passed and now we stand on the brink, of returning to a world where we are surrounded by the paradox of everything and yet nothing being the same. In a couple of weeks we will reluctantly give our hugs and fighting the tears, we will say goodbye to people who were once just names on a sheet of paper, to return to people that we hugged and fought tears to say goodbye to before we ever left.

We will leave our best friends to return to our best friends.We will go back to the places we came from, and go back to the same things we did last summer and every summer before.
We will come into town on that same familiar road, and even though it has been months, it will seem like only yesterday.

As you walk into your old bedroom, every emotion will pass through you as you reflect on the way your life has changed and the person you have become.
You suddenly realize that the things that were most important to you a year ago don't seem to matter so much anymore, and the things you hold highest now, no one at home will completely understand.

Who will you call first?
What will you do your first weekend home with your friends?
Where are you going to work?
What has everyone been up to in the past few months?
Who from school will you keep in touch with?

Then you start to realize how much things have changed, and you realize the hardest part of being an exchange student is balancing the two completely different worlds you now live in, trying desperately to hold on to everything all the while trying to figure out what you have to leave behind.
We now know the meaning of true friendship.
We know who we have kept in touch with over the past year and who we hold dearest to our hearts.We've left our worlds to deal with the real world.
We've had our hearts broken, we've fallen in love and stayed up all night on the phone just to talk to a friend in need. 
There have been times when we've felt so helpless being hours away from home when we know our families or friends needed us the most, and there are times when we know we have made a difference.

Just weeks from now we will leave.
Just weeks from now we take down our pictures, and pack up our clothes.
We will leave our friends whose random text messages and inside jokes will bring us to laughter and tears this summer, and hopefully years to come.We will take our memories and dreams and put them away for now, saving them for our return to this world.

Just weeks from now we will arrive.
Just weeks from now we will unpack our bags and have dinner with our families. We will drive over to our best friend's house and do nothing for hours on end.
We will return to the same friends whose random text messages and inside jokes have brought us to laughter and tears over the year.
We will unpack old dreams and memories that have been put away for the past year.
In just weeks we will dig deep inside to find the strength and conviction to adjust to change and still keep each other close.

And somehow, in some way, we will find our place between these two worlds.
In just weeks.
Are you ready?"

teksti täältä

tiistai 4. kesäkuuta 2013

dance speaks in a way words never can

Amerikkaan tullessa en halunnut luopua rakkaasta tanssiharrastuksestani. Löysinkin itseni läheiseltä tanssistudiolta, kun koulun tanssijoukkue ei ottanut uusia jäseniä. En ole kyllä hetkeäkään katunut tälle studiolle menemistä, olen kasvanut hurjasti tanssijana sekä saanut paljon uusia vinkkejä ja motivaatiota :)
Tanssin lisäksi aloitin täällä myös minulle täysin uuden lajin, nimittäin taekwondon! En ole koskaan aikaisemmin mitään taistelulajeja kokeillut, mutta tänne tultiin sillä asenteella, että uusia juttuja kokeillaan. Ja nyt oikeastaan tykkään siitä :)

Koulua on enää kolme päivää jäljellä ja sitten vuorossa graduation ja kesälaitumet!